Op. Dr. Murat Melih Can
After completing his primary education in Kütahya and high school education in Eskişehir Science High School, he completed his medical education in Başkent University. In 2006, he received the title of medical doctor. She worked as an emergency medical assistant in Dokuz Eylül University Emergency Medicine Department between 2006-2007. In 2007, he left here and made plastic surgery training between 2008-2013 in Izmir Ataturk Training and Research Hospital. He worked in Plastic Surgery Clinic of Kars State Hospital in 2013-2014 and in Plastic Surgery Clinic of Bozyaka Training and Research Hospital between 2014-2016. He has been working in the private sector since 2016 and has been working in his own practice since 2018.

Aesthetic Operations
Although plastic surgery is thought to be popular for the last 20 years, the history of plastic surgery dates back to 1400 BC. However, the most important progress in the history of cosmetic surgery was the skin graft towards the end of the 18th century. Ironically, this breakthrough began by rediscovering a procedure developed in ancient India. The serious-looking skin graft procedure was rediscovered in an old book called ‘Sushruta Samhita yazılmış written in the 8th century BC.
Plastic surgery is a surgical specialty that involves the restoration and reconstruction of the human body. The other is cosmetic or aesthetic surgery. In short, reconstructive surgery aims to restructure a part of the body or improve its function, while aesthetic surgery is a surgical procedure aimed at improving its appearance.